"Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love"

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Happy Independence Day Colombia!

Happy Independence Day Colombia!
Feliz Dia de Independecia Colombia!

Today, I thought, I give you a quick tour to my country Colombia!

My beautiful Colombia has been blessed with two oceans, thanks to its almost perfect location in the top corner side of the south of the American continent. Outlined by the majestic mountain range of "Los Andes" lays the most exotic vegetation, from stunning variety of flowers, to its rich diversity of fruits and crops! Our coffee for example is  well known to be one "the best of the world". We proud ourselves for being one of the countries with the most diverse kind of birds. We also have "pink dolphins" yes! they swim about our flamboyant  Amazon river.

This video will walk you through the land!
and will give you a taste of our music 🎶  Enjoy!

Our land is almost paradise, we have little bit of every possible natural scenario, we have beaches, islands, deserts, mountains peaks where snows, jungles, and prairies.
Our land is clothed in so many rivers, that puts us on the top of the richest hydrographical zones of the planet; its most important as previously mentioned: "The Amazon". Our best products go from Emeralds, to roses, to cotton, to bananas, textiles and oil.
Weather goes by altitude, we do not have seasons because of our closeness to the Equator. So depending how close you are to the ocean level it gets warmer, and where I am from is mountain, where the capital stands: Bogota, the weather there is steady cold all year long.

Our strong Spanish influence makes  the architectural beauty of our towns and cities magical! from balconies, and plazas to the most stunning cathedrals.

I had the chance to visit earlier this year and I was able to enjoy once again of my beautiful city, friends, food and music.

Our "ajiaco" just a very creamy soup for a cold day!

Here our famous "picada" and Coca cola off course!

Strawberries and cream! my old time favorite!

A cute display of The best Colombian coffee in a traditional "chiva" or little bus!

And... my school friends 💖

So this is a small window of my beautiful Colombia... meanwhile we will play some super banco Colombia, or the Colombian version of monopoly!

Have a great day! and remember:

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