"Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love"

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hurricane Irma... 3 lessons 3 gifts!

Dear readers and friends, I am back at writing! Not sure where to even begin...
Sorry, it has taken this long to get back, but much has happened... 

I wish I had more uplifting and practical material for you, but this time I have to share difficult memories and reflections during this time of anguish and confusion...

A couple of weeks ago Florida was under the imminent hit of the most powerful hurricane ever seen. The news were trying to keep up with the phenomenon and even science was left uncertain of its path... At home we began preparations and took things very seriously; we have been through "Charlie" back in 2004 and know that hurricanes could rapidly escalate. At first, probability models were giving us a bit of hope that it may turn East towards the Atlantic, but as the days went by things were looking bad for the area I live. We stock up on food, supplies, put up the shutters and made sure we had a  suitcase ready in case of an evacuation due to flooding. We were not ready to leave like many did because we really were concerned about my husband's  job and my advanced pregnancy state. The news were devastating in the Caribbean and to the contrary of the predictions, touching land was not decreasing its size and power; worst of all, it was now coming straight to us. The forecast showed sadly that it was our turn to experience "Irma's eye" right over our city. 

That night I prayed incessantly, I was filled with fear for my kids and my baby not yet born, I begged God to calm the winds and the waters as He did in The Sea of Galilee. I entrusted myself to His providence and asked for guidance on what to do. You have no idea the anguish that filled my soul with the thought of the aftermath, I think I have never been so terrified yet so sure of God's power, I entrusted completely our family to His Divine Mercy. 

Next morning approached and I woke up unlikely early with so much anxiety in see how things developed overnight. I hoped for a miracle that could deliver us from a catastrophic hurricane. But the news were worst than I ever hoped; "Irma" had doubled its size and remained a high category 4 almost 5 hurricane, the possibility of flooding and surge was now at the catastrophic level ... 
Here my life stopped for a minute and horror filled every inch of my body. I begged my husband to leave, he was not that concerned before, but with the latest turn of events, it took him by surprise and almost disbelieve to acknowledge the imminent threat. He decided to agree with me and we began to pack like crazy. Kids were sleeping and we had to act fast, we had only one day, roads were packed and gas was not a guarantee. We called our family and told them our decision, it was crazy late but at the same time at the edge of being possible, we hoped we could all go, but instead, they had to stay, not easy stuff to process in such a short time, but we had to make sure the kids were safe first and foremost ...

Surviving... All comes down to this! 
Did you ever imagine having your life turned upside down all of the sudden the way we had and think of surviving? crazy!   It surely took us by surprise, no one is ever ready for something like this ... We have it all planned out! right? but what about normal? here is where life gets real my friends, and all our fantasy world of planning and routine and silly structures takes a turn to important matters. Life can change in a matter of seconds and not at all lined to our plans. Take a brief moment to meditate on what this means and calls for our attention: we have to learn to live life as it comes not as we think it should be, do we even have control of anything anyways? We live by faith, every step of the way, this lesson of acceptance and humility and surrender of our own will is not to take lightly. What we have learned, changed deeply the way we have been handling life, once again try to think with me at that moment... all becomes simple: just take with you your loved ones and essentials, leave everything behind and if you have the chance to leave do it at once without hesitation but trustful surrender... 

That was my real moment, friends!

Our family and our parents supported us more than we can ever imagine, their sacrificial love was the biggest treasure and love lesson I ever witness before, those seconds of fast thinking and clarity in the midst of chaos reveal of a person what it truly  is in their hearts and where their treasure lays.. friends I cannot stress enough the pondering all these left me... 

Once on the road, just getting out of Florida as fast as possible, was the main focus, the size of Irma was massive and covered the entire state so there was no time to stop. We had no idea where to head more than North so I used social media to get resources that could help us maneuver roads and gas. Here is where the love began to pour: yes! friends and family even strangers, beautiful strangers heard us and became involved, active. They began to pray, to guide, to offer their help abundantly!

With this preamble of what Irma meant even before it passed by, I came to meditate the 3 lessons and 3 gifts we were given during this time. 

I can say the First lesson I learned was to "let go and let God" all the way ... yes! letting go of control is a struggle in the normal basis for me, but this time I had no choice but to let go fear. Fear of our family members being trapped or hurt, fear of powerlessness for the suffering many will endure, fear of going into labor, fear of the unknown situation after coming back, fear of fear... Irma took us all for a ride ... an uncertain ride, all we could do, was to let life unfold the way was already heading, whatever God had in store for us was His will and we had to accept it.

The second lesson was to "Pray like if all depends on God and work like it all depends on you" we did everything we had to do to secure our home and prepare for the aftermath, and last minute we put all our might in keeping  safe our family, but we were powerless against Irma and that was a fact, then we did what our hearts needed the most... Pray! desperately we needed to drop our load onto stronger shoulders, we needed to depend completely on the One everything belongs to, we had to ask for an extraordinary help, we had to plea for mercy upon many, we had to extend our circle of compassion and pray for every soul that was about to be affected by this. Only God could be entrusted with this! We were completely in His hands. 

The third lesson I must say was to "never underestimate the power of prayer".  As soon as trust is in place, suddenly a breeze of peace takes over. I was amazed at the outpour of prayers and honest concern from our loved ones and friends; it is powerful and plain beautiful. You come to understand unity in a new light, like a force of goodness, prayer for one another lifts you up from despair to hope.

With this last lesson, we received the first gift: Mercy. As I mentioned it before Irma entered Florida as a strong category 4 hurricane and advanced throughout unlike any other. Scary enough to suck up the waters off the shore and with an impressive pressure that was detected even by earthquake's sensors. It surely hit badly they keys and brought an unbelievable amount of water. But as it came closer to our city it decreased in power and was reduced to category 3. Glory be to God! we expected the worst. Many may say it was luck, it was just a consequence of landing, but I am completely sure it was prayer that made this possible! We were granted mercy! Nevertheless, the damage was large and complex, but again it could it be way worst.

The second gift was without a doubt: Family.  Our family members were our biggest treasure, we rediscovered in a deep sense the feel of it. Family took us out of the storm, family sheltered us from the storm and family strengthened us after the storm. Their generous hearts, their honest concern, their loving welcome cannot be forgotten. God was with us in each one of them. Our hearts were humbled, open to receive and grateful beyond measure. God bless you all, we love you!

And lastly the third gift was a renewed desire to live: Cannot lie, there was much anxiety, darkness, and hopelessness during all this, maybe my pregnant self-was a bit more sensitive to all this than the average person. But I can assure you that my mind raced with questions: why a baby? why now? why like this? I thought of pain and suffering to the extent of despair, yes! I was weak and a coward. My faith trembled, but at the same time I looked for Him more than ever and surrender to whatever He decided to do with me and my family. Our Lord was faithful when I was weak, and He provided more than I could ever hope for us. His gift of life is that everlasting promise of unconditional love. This baby has a purpose and each one of my kids, at this pretty moment and under this circumstances, all this is His will at work.  

Coming back was the other part of this experience. Main roads were closed and power and water were not fully restored. We were just half way from facing all these chaos. We made it back through alternate roads and were prepared with gas and supplies from up North. Luckily we came after much was already done. I was admired and devastated to see the damage and the recovery simultaneously. I longed to get home, but I knew we had -along with the rest of Floridians- to deal with the lack of power at our house. With kids and in my state I knew, it was going to be a challenge, but I also knew that workers were doing above and beyond to reestablish us all back to normality.

We endured only two days of this, it wasn't easy but we were grateful to find a home and all our stuff intact, we also had water and our neighbor offered to share his generator to power some fans to help us through the night. It was not ideal, but let's be real we had more than others and we were grateful. It is easy to fall in desperation, but we are blessed to be in a country where things get restored one way or the other. It is inspiring to see everyone providing, comforting others and donating themselves: from first responders, power line workers, grocery store staff, to neighbors. 

We are now back to "normal" and exhausted from this journey, but with a load of meditations lessons and gifts, no other experience could provide. Some are vulnerable, others feel strong, others uncertain, others assured, but I can say we are all changed by these interior storms. We have shared suffering and hope. We have been granted the chance to rebuild, to be grateful and to be mindful.

If you are reading this and do not live in a disaster area, take the time to ponder all these things in your heart and expand prayers and acts of thoughtfulness towards those who lost much, but above all use your blessings to be hope! go ahead hug your loved ones tight, rediscover their eyes and thank God for His will in your life. 

Thanks for reading

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