"Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love"

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

He is finally here!

Our "little cub" finally arrived a couple of weeks ago! 

Many of you already following us on Facebook, have seen the updates of his arrival, but just until now, I get the chance to post it on the blog for everyone to see.  

 welcome to our family! "little cub

Remember how in my latest post we were just getting ready? yes! it happened so fast, he came little after 36 weeks and thanks to a great weight, vitals and to your prayers: "little cub" skipped the NICU! We are so grateful! This time around, we were able to enjoy our baby right after surgery and bring him home shortly afterwards, to his new family of 7!

He has been such a joy to our family, his sweet presence has brought so much love and hope to all of us. I am still recovering and feeling very blessed with the outpour of loving help from our family and friends. Once again we have been called to receive. We are living day by day as a gift and let it unfold with all the joys, sometimes pains or sometimes with just beautiful surprises. We are learning from those around us to serve other families and support each other. To all our friends: thanks for your beautiful hearts, thanks for helping us welcome our baby, for supporting our growing family without judgment and for going the extra mile to make it much more bearable. From meals to babysitting; every call, every text, prayer, and thought is deeply appreciated. One day will be our turn to give back a hundredfold all the generosity we have received.  We have been truly blessed to have you!

So how is everyone doing with the latest addition? you may wonder? as expected... great! the three oldest are all over the moon helping and having turns holding him to give me a "break" 😉 while lollipop still tries to figure it all out. She loves him and is extremely curious about how little his hands and feet are. She gets very worried if he cries but she is still so little that sharing attention is a work in progress. Dad is proud as can be, he is enjoying the feeling of being home with all of his family. I have been witnessing and pondering every detail with my new baby and finding my way to tend everyone and enjoy this moment with each one of them. 
Agent 007 holds little cub

Popsicle's turn!

Miss Poppins holds him tight!

Lollipop gets to hold little cub!

But after the joy... comes postpartum and all the adjusting and the recovering; let's say it always hits me hard right after surgery and the first days at home. Friends, I want to be completely honest here; I have always been afraid of the postpartum hormonal crash because it normally spikes anxiety and my fears get raw. Nevertheless, I must say, it has been the first time I have ever experienced depression per say. Lots of crying, irrational fear, and high sensibility... ehhh the joys of motherhood!  
I am able to identify these symptoms now, and I am conscious that they are just feelings and that it will come to pass, also I am being very vocal about my needs as well as being open to receive help. It is not easy to be slowed down with all that goes on in our family, but I am letting go the urge of accomplishment and I am focusing on celebrating little victories and milestones. While I endure my downs either physical or emotional of postpartum I am learning to call God while in darkness, I am inviting Him to illuminate all those places that can very easily cloud the happiness of my newest gift. I feel confident that this vulnerability is transitory and it has a purpose,  so I am living it by focusing on the miracle of life and the gift of my motherhood.

As the days continue to go by fast, and holidays and school rushes through, I am ready to savor and be grateful for all; this is anyways the human experience we call "life" and cannot be complete without the pains and joys, the challenges and victories. A new chapter has begun for our family, I am unsure how is going to be, I am unsure if I will be able to do this, or if I have what it takes, all I know is that I have accepted this beautiful gift and that as always I hang tight in hope. We have been blessed for sure, he is tiny, helpless, sweet and so tender to even doubt! As my days unfold simply in this truth now, I want to leave you with the quote that has inspired me and that will be featured in the quote of the week. Take it to heart and with me rediscover each day as I do with my newborn baby. 

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are.
 Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow"

Mary Jean Irion

Welcome to our lives little cub, we love you immensely 💙